Chow’s Winter Classic 2023 COVID-19 Precautions/Policies
(The policies listed below are from our 2022 meet.)
Policies will be updated as we get closer to the 2023 Winter Classic
and will follow all state and local guidelines for COVID-19.
The safety of all gymnasts, coaches, judges, spectators, and volunteers is very important to Chow’s Gymnastics Booster Club. We are implementing the following COVID-19 precautions and policies with that goal in mind. These guidelines will be fluid during the pre-meet planning process as national and local guidelines change. We will communicate any updates as they occur to participating gyms and post them on our website and social media pages.
1) Chow's Gymnastics Booster Club Executive Board and the Chows Winter Classic Meet Director will serve as COVID Liaisons for the 2023 Winter Classic meet. They will work to develop policies in compliance with all county, city, and state guidelines pertaining to COVID–19. They will also be available while at the meet to deal with any COVID concerns/questions. The Executive Board can be reached by emailing: chowsgymmeets@chowsboosterclub.com
2) We ask that all spectators and gymnasts follow all CDC guidelines on when to stay home, isolation and quarantine before considering attending the meet. You can find the guidelines HERE.
3) Masks/face shields and social distancing are encouraged throughout the venue, but will be up to the discretion of the spectator/gymnasts.
4) Individual gyms are encouraged but not required to screen their athletes’ temperature upon arrival. An athlete with a temperature greater than 100.4 should leave the competition venue as soon as possible.
5) Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the venue as well as throughout the competition floor.
6) Each gymnast should come prepared with their own bag of chalk, spray bottle and grip brush. We will not have the chalk buckets out on the competition floor.
7) Admissions will be cashless and will be advertised as such.
8) Equipment will be cleaned each day per Spieth cleaning recommendations.
9) Athletes are encourage to bring their own water bottles.
10) In past years, Chows Winter Classic has allowed for plenty of seating at the meet venue. However, should there be a need, seating and building capacity will be limited per city, state, and county guidelines at the time of the meet in January 2023. We will communicate these to participating gyms one week prior to the meet to ensure the most up-to-date guidelines are being followed.
11) Hospitality workers will wear masks and gloves while working shifts.
12) Hospitality meals will be pre-packed “Grab and Go” with limited buffet style meals. If any meals are buffet style, hospitality workers will plate the food.
13) Athletes from the same gym will be co-horted into rotations as able.